Highway Race Egypt
Driving a motorcycle on a desert highway through desolate deserts of Egypt.To reach the destination must avoid all obstacles with which you are changing lanes on the highway.Be careful not to run out of fuel, if you reap as many canisters of gasoline when you have a full tank almost all the time.Good Luck!

Highway Race Egypt Scores
Date Avatar Name Scores
07-09-2022 07:09:13 Aluminatae 850
09-05-2018 15:47:14 frende3 565
10-05-2018 15:13:29 caisili 365
03-11-2018 16:10:47 Boyracer 210
08-04-2018 09:09:45 henning 155
Game Title Highway Race Egypt
Play Count 6304
High Scoring: Yes
Folder: Langangen Arcade » 2017 Games
Scores 5
Current rating 0/5

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