Speartoss 5 Shots
How far can you throw the spear?

Speartoss 5 Shots Scores
Date Avatar Name Scores
05-12-2022 12:37:32 Tasos 2,660
28-08-2022 17:06:26 ArcadeGuest 2,656
27-06-2022 10:53:19 Kientzl 2,654
29-10-2019 15:47:05 Gareth 2,641
26-04-2022 15:24:30 Ritaki 2,628
Game Title Speartoss 5 Shots
Play Count 8995
High Scoring: Yes
Folder: Langangen Arcade » Sports
Scores 5
Current rating 0/5
Favoured 1

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