Block Distraction
The aim of the game is to destroy the blocks to gain as much points as possible. Distractions are a way to slow you down by making it more difficult to destroy the blocks.

Block Distraction Scores
Date Avatar Name Scores
03-12-2024 00:08:54 ArcadeGuest 1,871
08-08-2024 15:00:25 Aluminatae 857
02-07-2018 17:01:25 caisili 601
01-07-2018 20:48:28 henning 402
13-12-2022 16:30:28 Tasos 4
Game Title Block Distraction
Play Count 5524
High Scoring: Yes
Folder: Langangen Arcade » Different Games 4
Scores 5
Current rating 0/5

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