Kategori: Andre Nyheter i Langangen
Treff: 1106
Navneserver problemer i dag så nettsiden er av og på ....
There has been some heavy DNS traffic today that has disrupted the flows of the service.

I made some changes moved ns3. to a fresh IP, and initiated conversation with all network providers each server is on to see if they can enable any mitigation for the traffic flood.

NS1 CPU was exhausted - requested upstream filtering, not much luck this time

NS2 CPU was exhausted - was answering most of queries, though dropping many
NS3 Network was exhausted - high rate of packet loss at the network level
NS4 Network was exhausted - offline, null routed by provider

I decided to start building up a DNS instance with a static NSD config as an emergency solution, I had only tested it earlier this year. It took 40 minutes each time I tried to load the config - if any errors it would have to started over. Took a bit of massaging to get it into a loadable state, but now this seems to be carrying things on NS2. I will continue working on the issue.

Update: NS4 has been restored by provider